Call us | 514.318.2321

Who we are

Capteks's mission is to supply the best quality filtering capacitors with customer service approaching perfection.

Our markets include the UPS systems manufacturing and maintenance business, Medical equipment, electric and combustion powered vehicles, Nuclear power generation, Elevators, DC Drives, Inverters and Power Supply, Aerospace, Telecom, and others.

Capteks is the First and ONLY capacitor supplier to proactively maintain a database of life cycle information on all of our Power Supply filter capacitors as sold. This service allows us to provide our customers with essential "early notification" for replacement consideration. This is especially valuable for UPS maintenance.

Service: While every company speaks about service, Capteks delivers service by maintaining the broadest selection available of different values in stock for overnight replacement support for nearly ALL of our competitors parts. Capteks's sales staff participate in regular training so that you are more likely to get the answers quickly, that you want.